Chase Beattie

Bomb Cyclone Damage: Don’t Miss Insurance Deadlines for Roof Repairs

The recent bomb cyclone that tore through Washington State on November 19 left a trail of destruction, with winds exceeding 100 mph in some areas. Thousands of residents faced widespread power outages, toppled trees, and significant roof damage. As communities begin to recover, homeowners and business owners face a pressing question: Have you addressed the […]

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How Trees Can Shorten the Life of Your Roof and What You Can Do About It

Roofing shingles last only as long as the amount of accumulative damage they can handle.  This damage comes from multiple factors, including rain, snow, sunlight, heat and cold. Most of these factors are unchangeable.  Your roof will get the amount of rain it gets, the amount of solar radiation it gets, and nobody can control

How Trees Can Shorten the Life of Your Roof and What You Can Do About It Read More »

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