
(253) 544-3651

Malarkey Roofing Products Explains "The Nailing Zone"

A Shingle Made for Speed, Ease, Quality of Installation!

Malarkey roofing Chase Construction North West Inc. Puget Sound rooferOur friends at Malarkey Roofing Products have made installing their shingles even easier by creating a larger nailing zone! According to Greg Malarkey, senior vice president of Malarkey Roofing Products, the average roof has 7,920 nails required for the roof installation, ” and each and everyone of those nails must be installed correctly”. Is this a difficult task? For our crew it isn’t, but some shingles do add to the difficulty by making the nail line small, causing our crew to work slower to assure accuracy. Malarkey has designed their shingles with the contractor in mind! “With a larger nailing area, they’re able to move at a high rate of speed because they are sure they are always going to be putting the nail in the right place.” – Greg Malarkey

The Nailing Zone

Malarkey Roofing Products A laminate shingle is a shingle that has a top and bottom sham laminated together. The nailing zone is where the two pieces overlap and are laminated together. A standard nailing zone is narrow, making nailing down the shingles a slower process to ensure accuracy. If a nail hits below the nailing zone on a laminate shingle, it will not be covered by the shingle above it, and you can see it from the ground, not very pretty. If the nail is installed above the nailing zone, it can miss the shingle below, making it insecure and susceptible to blow offs and leaks. Watch Malarkey Describe the Nail Zone:

About us

Our crew, here at Chase Construction NW, Inc., is factory trained in many different types of roofing products, including Malarkey laminate shingles. Because of this, we can appreciate that Malarkey roofing products are designing their shingles with us in mind. Their product can add in the comfort for you to know that each and every nail is indeed installed correctly. Not looking for a laminate roof? No Problem – We specialize in all types of roofs! Including residential and commercial, steep and low slope, composition shingles, wood shakes, metal roofing, slate, tile, torchdown, PVC, TPO, EPDM. If you are in need of roofing, decking, waterproofing, or skylight installation services, contact Chase Construction North West Inc. today at (253) 544-3651 or fill out our quick estimate form!

If your roof is old or worn down, don't wait to replace it today!

Chase Construction NW has the expert service and affordable prices to set you up with a brand new roof today!
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