
(253) 544-3651

Supporting Global Missions is a Passion of Chase Construction North West, INC.

Supporting Putti Village in Uganda, Africa

In 2012, Joel made his first international humanitarian aid trip to Uganda. A life changing encounter took place in his heart as he visited villages, prisons and orphanages. Putti Village was one of the communities that contributed to this transformation. While he was there, he was able to provide funds to repair the roofs on several of their buildings. This sparked a new passion for global missions. Joel knew that he needed to find a way to help transform the economy and state of living for the people of Uganda, as well as the needy worldwide! One of his goals, that came from this newly founded inspiration, is to create sustainability in this small village.

Ways to Support Putti Village

Putti Calendar 2015

Putti Village has several ways of supporting itself. One way is through the sales of their calendars. This year’s calendar features pictures of life in Putti Village. With this beautiful calendar hanging on your wall, it is a great way to keep the people of Putti Village fresh in your heart and mind. You can purchase your calendar for just $18 by calling Chase Coffee at 253.750.0636. Another way to support Putti Village is through music.  “I Love To Sing” is the second CD recorded in the village of Putti by producer and musician Mike Cohen. It consists of 10 songs sung by the Putti choir. It is available at CDbaby, Amazon and iTunes.

Chase Coffee

Joel in Putti VillageOn this very trip, Joel found himself on Mt Elgon, the second tallest mountain in Africa, which sits majestically on the border of Uganda and Northern Kenya.  The land is heralded for its ancient, mineral-rich volcanic soil and collection of prominent coffee plantations. After taking a tour of the fields and the operations of the local coffee co-ops, inspiration and vision sprang up inside of Joel.  He recognized that with help and support, there was great potential in the local coffee industry and great hope for the people of Uganda.  This experience has birthed Chase Coffee, a premium coffee, along with a tangible mission into this generation. With every cup of Chase Coffee you drink, you help support growth and sustainability in the Mt. Elgon, Mbale and Bugisu regions of Uganda.

CallToOrderBy purchasing coffee directly from select premium plantations, we are able to create a buying cycle which helps to sustain the economy. In addition to partnering with the coffee communities, a portion of all proceeds from Chase Coffee is invested back into specific missions and communities. These include Putti Village, as well as supporting prison ministries in Kampala and Jinja, and orphanages in Seguku, which are sponsored by World Outreach Ministries Foundation (WOMF).

Call 253.750.0636 to order your coffee today! Right now, our coffee is available in light or dark roast in 3 sizes (12oz, 2lb, 5lb)


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