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Garden Roofing, The Future Of Green Roofing!

Green Roofing
Residential Garden Roof System

Lets face it, we are all concerned about the environment. Our world’s natural resources are being depleted and we are constantly facing issues with global warming and other environmental hazards. This concern has driven virtually every industry on the planet to strive to develop environmentally friendly products. Green building as we call it has become popular not only by idea, but also by demand.

This eco-friendly trend is surfacing in the roofing industry at an incredible rate. Roofing manufacturers are constantly trying to keep up with the demand of creating green roofing systems that will satisfy our generations building requirements. You might be asking the question what is a green roof? The simple answer is that it is a roofing system designed to last longer (reducing waste factor) reflect sun (to keep use of energy in the home down), and give back to the environment.

Green Roofing
City Scape Garden Roofing

The roofing system that gives back the most into the environment is a garden roof. A garden roof in its simplest understanding is planting natural vegetation on top of a roof. The purposes are many but include producing fresh oxygen in city areas, adding a rural look in an urban setting, and bringing back the beauty that only mother nature can offer in a world scarred by industrial advancement. This trend has grown most popular in large cities where there isn’t much vegetation, and its not uncommon to see entire city blocks with green roofs, as they have been specified by local building codes.

I think as we move further into the future we will see garden roofing systems specified by city codes all over the world.

Here are some photos from a local a local business called Windmill Gardens in Sumner, Washington. They operate in a very small community, yet have been influenced by the garden roofing concept. Check out their facebook page at:

Green Roofing
Small trees and colorful flowers accent the Windmill to create this garden roof.
Green Roofing At Its Best
Beautiful Windmill Garden Roof In Sumner Washington
Green Roofing
Sumner Washington Garden Roof at Windmill Gardens
Green Roofing
Windmill Gardens Garden Roof

For more information or questions concerning green roofing you can reach us at or simply go to our contact page and type in your questions. Your feedback and comments are appreciated.

Check out our blog Timberline Cool Series to see how GAF roofing manufacturer is producing green composition roofing shingles.


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