

(253) 544-3651

4th of July Roof Fire Prevention

BBQs, picnics, vacations, fireworks, and roof maintenance. Does it sound like one of those is out of place? Well it …

Chase NW Enacts A Beautiful Roof in Eatonville!

Here at Chase Construction North West Inc., we are passionate about roofing and are constantly doing projects that ignite this …

Are Your Gutters Due for Repairs or A Replacement?

The roof on your home protects you from the elements, but the gutters protect the roofing system from detrimental water …

The Ending Of A Thrilling U.S. Open Weekend!

The city of University Place and the Chambers Bay Golf Course did not disappoint players or fans at this year’s exhilarating U.S. Open. The crowd was typical for …

Auburn Kids Day!

Summer is upon us Puget Sound and that means that kids are out of school and scouring for something fun …

What Does It Mean to Be A GAF Master Elite™ Contractor?

Here at Chase Construction North West Inc., we constantly pride ourselves on our GAF Master Elite™ certification, but as a consumer, …

If your roof is old or worn down, don't wait to replace it today!

Chase Construction NW has the expert service and affordable prices to set you up with a brand new roof today!
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